Monday, November 16, 2009

Mystery Monday: Craft Day Thursday

This was our first bi-annual craft day at my mother in laws. She is so wonderful and hosted me, my sister in laws and my friends for a day of fun and food. The best part was that last minute Teri got to come down. I was so happy to see her and we had so much fun. We spent time crafting and if we weren't crafting we were buying stuff for more crafts!! We made so many fun projects and gabbed and ate. It was a blast!! We learned a lot about what would make it easier for next time and I think everyone had as much fun as I did. We made 6 crafts in all. Here are some peeks.....more to come of our crafts. :) That's the Mystery part....what crafts did we make? lol

The prep work......(mostly by my mother in law)

Our friends......

Our delicious food prepared by my wonderful mother in law (it was so yummy!!) (Sorry there's no picture of it when it had just been set out, but we were ravenous).

Us......(don't mine the all day craftathon after driving 6 1/2 hours hair :)) Micki is on the left and Teri on the right.
There was even dancing that happened, and we were gonna share, but we are not technologically smart enough to edit it, and it's too long to upload.

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